Monday, March 15, 2010

The Beginning

Wow. My very first “real” blog entry. It seems that I should write something profound, but my mind has been pretty “blah” lately and I’m unmotivated.

I wish I had the capability to think myself to another place… in the present, past or future (here or in another country).

I’d rather be in Venice (Italy) right now, walking the cobblestone streets, crossing the little bridges, watching boats float in the canal below and couples walking hand-in-hand. It’s evening and the streets are just starting to come alive. Street musicians are popping up all over the city to entertain locals and travelers alike while at the same time soothing themselves with melodies that come straight from their soul. No one is in a hurry… there’s no stress, no pressure; it’s all about relaxation, family and friends…and delicious food.

I am never more alive than when I travel and meet new people, learn new languages, and taste amazing foods… Nothing opens up the mind like travel. That’s what I’m most passionate about—learning new things through traveling. I’m not “rich”, not in a monetary sense, but I have enriched my life through my travel experiences.

How’s that for my official first blog?