Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Book review: Crossed

Crossed by Ally Condie is the second book in a trilogy, and follows where Matched left off. I finished Matched late one evening and read the first chapter of Crossed (a tease in the last pages of Matched) which lead me to purchase Crossed the following day after work. I was so excited to read what would happen next!

With the assistance of her parents and Match Xander, Cassia manages to leave the Society and is sent to the Outer Provinces (to work) in the hopes of finding Ky, who was sent there by the Society to fight against the the Enemy.

For the majority of the book I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see if Cassia and Ky finally find one another. The book bounces from Cassia's journey and moves to Ky's journey. The journey toward each other, and their personal journey as they literally move forward in the Outer Provinces. You got a little more insight on Ky in this book. His thoughts, fears, struggles... his fight. You learn about his parents and how they died. You got to see Cassia in an element she wasn't certain of at first, but grew to like and adapt in. I can't say more without giving a lot away. You do get to meet a couple of new characters and Xander does make an appearance as well.

I couldn't put down the book! The book ends on somewhat of an ambiguous note. Although I'm not as excited to read the final book in the trilogy, I do want to see how the series will wrap up. I'll have to wait a year... it's not published yet!

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